04 april, 2007

Start een media site? NIET doen!

Als ik deze post van een Amerikaanse venture capitalist lees, dan kan je net als de mensen die reageren BIJNA alleen maar concluderen dat veel geld verdienen met een mediasite een onmogelijkheid is. Of je moet van supergoede huize komen.....
Oorzaak: die verdomd lage RPM!

Volg de link en laat je de 3 modellen door de Lightspeed meneer voorrekenen.

Zijn vervolgstukje is ook best boeiend.

"At the Online Publishers Association’s Forum on the Future earlier this month, Marketspace (a consulting firm associated with Monitor) announced the results of their research which showed that 92% of 2006 gross online ad spend in the US went to only four companies; Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL. Although some portion of that ad spend was subsequently distributed to independent sites through ad networks (e.g. AOL’s Advertising.com, Google’s Adsense, Yahoo’s Publisher Network etc), that is a big proportion of the total. Furthermore, that is an INCREASE from the 88% that went to those four companies in 2005."


"Now According to the IAB and PwC, internet advertising revenues for 2006 were estimated to be $16.8 billion, a 34 percent increase over $12.5 billion in 2005. So doing the math, that suggests that the online advertising that didn’t go to the big four actually DECREASED from $1.5bn in 2005 to $1.34bn in 2006."

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